CCTB 數位行銷文憑 Digital Marketing with Co-op

May 14, 2024

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數位行銷文憑 Digital Marketing with Co-op

通過 這課程,您將加深對 PPC 行銷、有效文案寫作和活動管理技術的理解,所有這些都將幫助您成為任何行銷角色的資產。










以及 48週課程(快速課程),包含課程24週+14週實習+學期假期6週+4週閱讀週



有薪實習工作佔整個課程持續時間(480 小時)的 50%。您將有機會透過有保證的帶薪工作經驗在業界應用您新獲得的技能。



課程長度 課程73週 or 52週
語言門檻 CCTB EAP Level 3/IELTS 5.0/ TOEIC 600/ Duolingo 85
入學要求 高中畢業證書


開課日 CCTB開課日 2023>>


見 最新優惠>>
課程優勢 學生將具備深入理解網路安全漏洞可造成的危害問題,進行通過一系列的演示、評估和作業,您將掌握該領域的專業知識能力
  • 行銷 /廣告管理員: 負責收集市場研究並預測其所在領域的未來趨勢,以擊敗競爭並滿足消費者的需求。  
  • 行銷活動 經理: 身為行銷活動經理,您將負責針對產品、服務或活動開發、規劃和執行有效的行銷活動,以吸引目標受眾。  網站經理: 聘請這些專家是為了  確保公司網站 結構良好 且易於瀏覽,從而促進公司網站的最佳化。  • 行銷研究專家: 該角色涉及收集和 分析 市場數據趨勢,以幫助您的企業做出更明智的決策。  行銷顧問: 此類顧問負責制定有效的行銷策略、確定與目標受眾溝通的最佳方式並為企業執行這些策略。 廣告分析師:身為廣告分析師,您將負責觀察市場狀況,評估產品和服務的潛在銷售量,並破解哪些產品有需求。   


加拿大BC省 數位行銷 的平均工資為每年  58,481 加元或每小時 28.11 加元。入門級職位的起薪為每年 43,875 加元,而最有經驗的員工年薪高達 79,381 加元。 


PTIB 批准的項目:

網路安全風險管理計劃已經過高等教育、技能和培訓部私人培訓機構處 (PTIB)註冊處的審查和批准。




Introduction to Marketing and Branding

  • This module is designed to provide learners with the skills to build a customer profile and analyze the digital market. The module will enable students to understand the principles of digital advertising, the key elements of branding and competitive analysis. Students will learn key elements of Integrated Marketing communication in order to position a brand and marketing communication strategies to position a brand and maintain its reputation.

Search Engine Optimization

  • This unit will review concepts and processes on the Internet. Students will learn how to manage reputation and perform a market research. This course will focus on all the fundamentals of SEO by which students will be able to develop a successful web presence through the management of all optimization components.

Website Building and Design for Marketers

  • This module is designed to provide learners with the skills to create a webpage and manage content. The module will enable students to learn the principles of writing code, creating reflective and absolute links, integrating objects on a page, and uploading the site to a network. Development knowledge of WordPress, HTML and CSS will be greatly emphasized in this program.

Google Analytics

  • This module is designed to provide learners with the skills to analyze reports using google analytics and define goals based on the information from the reports. The module will enable students to prepare for the certification exams of Google Analytics.

Managing Sponsored Social Media Campaigns

  • This module is designed to provide learners with the skills to set up and manage campaign using social media, analyze difference between the campaigns types and build a visual strategy. The module will enable students to prepare for the Facebook Blueprint certification exam.

Pay Per Click Marketing with Google Analytics

  • This module is designed to provide learners with the skills to work with AdWords, create ads and define a bidding strategy. The module will enable students to prepare for the Google AdWords certification exam.

Campaign Management and Compliance 

  • This module is designed to provide learners with basic knowledge on laws and legislation regarding social media and email marketing, with the Canadian legislation in specific. Furthermore, tis module will include campaign management tools such as Customer Journey and Post Campaign Analysis.


  • This module is designed to provide learners with basic knowledge on laws and legislation regarding social media and email marketing, with the Canadian legislation in specific. Furthermore, tis module will include campaign management tools such as Customer Journey and Post Campaign Analysis.