CCTB UI/UX 開發分析師文憑 Diploma in UI/UX User Experience and Interactive Design with Co-op

May 14, 2024

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UI/UX 開發分析師文憑 Diploma in UI/UX User Experience and Interactive Design with Co-op







通過學習本課程,您將發展自己作為用戶體驗和互動式開發分析師的能力,使您能夠在 IT 領域擔任一系列不同的角色。






有薪實習工作佔整個專案課程持續時間的 50%。 通過有薪工作經驗,您將有機會在行業內應用您新獲得的技能。



課程長度 課程133週
語言門檻 CCTB EAP Level 4/ IELTS 5.5/ TOEIC 605/ Duolingo 85
入學要求 高中畢業證書


開課日 CCTB開課日 2023>>


見 最新優惠>>
課程優勢 學生將具備設計和開發適用於各種不同使用平台的用戶界面,獲得用戶體驗和互動式開發分析的能力。
職涯機會 NOC: 2175

  • 易用性規劃專業人員
  • 互動介面設計師
  • 用戶體驗分析師
  • 商業分析師
  • 用戶互動/用戶體驗 開發人員
  • 前端工程師
  • 商業系統分析師


加拿大UI/UX 用戶體驗開發分析師的平均工資為每年 75,738加元或每小時 36.41 加元。初級職位的起薪為每年 51,700 加元,而資深的員工的年薪高達 113,900 加元。


PTIB 批准的項目:

網路安全風險管理計劃已經過高等教育、技能和培訓部私人培訓機構處 (PTIB)註冊處的審查和批准。




Introduction to Human-Centred Design

  • This course will introduce students to fundamental User Experience  principles. This course will develop a solid understanding of rapid prototyping and heuristic evaluation which will set a strong foundation for the subsequent course modules.

Introduction to Design Principles

  • In this course, students will learn what makes an interface intuitive and how to tell whether one design works better than another.
  • Students will understand the fundamental principles of visual design and how to effectively organize and present information through interfaces. Topics include the principles of perception and cognition that inform effective interaction design.
  • Students will be able to perform and analyze controlled experiments online. This course is an essential part of User Experience and Interactive Design program. 

Input and Interaction 

  • This course introduces the relevant fundamentals of human motor performance, perception, and cognition that inform effective interaction design.
  • Employing these concepts will allow for more effective input and interaction techniques. These skills will be applied to traditional graphic and gestural interfaces.
  • This course is an essential part of UIUX program.

User Experience: Research and Prototyping

  • This course teaches students the core process of experience design and how to effectively evaluate their work with the people for whom the design is made.
  • Students learn fundamental methods of design research that will enable them to effectively understand people, the sequences of their actions, and the context in which they work. Through the assignments, practical techniques for making sense of what they see will transform their observations into meaningful actionable insights and unique opportunity areas for design.
  • Students explore idea generation in response to the opportunities identified and learn methods for making ideas tangible. By answering specific questions and refining concepts, ideas will become more real.
  • In this course use cases from a variety of industries including health, education, transportation, finance, and beyond will be used to illustrate how these methods work across different domains.
  • This course is an essential part of User Experience and Interactive Design program.

Sketching, Wire framing, Prototyping and Visual Design

  • Students will learn about the importance of sketching and iteration in the wire framing process and how to create paper prototypes as well as popular visual design tools and software.

Information Design

  • This course explores how to improve the way information in sites or applications are organized and presented, and cost-effective ways of increasing user satisfaction and engagement.

Mobile User Experience Design

  • In this course, students learn how, as a User Experience designer, they can create mobile friendly experience easy, intuitive and pleasing.

Designing, Running and Analyzing Experiments 

  • In this course, students learn how to design user-centered experiments, how to run such experiments, how to analyze resulting data and evaluate and validate user experiences.
  • Students work through real-world examples of experiments from the fields of User Experience, Interaction Design, and Human Computer Interaction understanding issues in experiment design and analysis. Multiple data sets will be analyzed using recipes given in the R statistical programming language — no prior programming experience is assumed or required, but students will be required to read, understand, and modify code snippets provided to them.

Relational Database Systems and SQL

  • In this course, students learn the tools and processes for data modeling in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) and the Structured Query Language, SQL, to define and manipulate data.

Front-End Web Development and Design Level 1

  • In this comprehensive course students learn to implement design ideas and develop their own web application on the front-end level.
  • Foundational principles of website creation including technologies: HTML5, CSS3 and SCSS/SASS.

Front-End Web Development and Design Level 2 

  • In this comprehensive course students learn to implement design ideas and develop their own web application on the front-end level.
  • Students will learn web programming technologies such as JavaScript, JQuery, SQL and and introduction into the React.js front-end framework.

Business Analysis and System Design

  • Students will study concepts, processes and tools that professionals use to plan and develop information systems to industry standards. Students learn how to ask implicit questions, to create and document communication plans and to make better decisions prior to creating an information system. This course is an essential part of User Experience and Interactive Design program. 

Information Visualization

  • In this course students will learn to use the popular business intelligence tool Tableau in order to visualize and understand complex data sets.

Interactive Design Capstone Project

  • Students will apply the skills learned during the sequence of courses – from need finding to visual design — as they redesign a new interface, service, or product for their Interaction Design Capstone Project.

Employment Preparation Training

  • The purpose of this course is to prepare students for the employment upon completion of the program. This course will ready students through resume crafting, portfolio development, job search strategies, interview preparation and salary negotiations as well as career development training