我們的會展紀錄 – 里程碑

Jul 16, 2024

Hello Study’s New Office Grand Opening
楓禾留學 楓展移民 喬遷誌慶 2024

July 06, 2024, Taipei

9F., No. 208, Sec. 4, Xinyi Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106049 , Taiwan (Xinyi Anhe MRT Exit #2) Navigate through Google Maps


ICEF Niagara Falls 2024

May 01-03, 2024, Niagara Falls

6815 Stanley Ave, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 3Y9, Canada

Hello Canada Education and Career Fair Online (Hello Canada 線上加拿大留遊學就業展)

October and November, 2023, Taipei, Taiwan

9th F., No. 176, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106, Taiwan


ICEF Vancouver 2023

May 06-08, 2023, Vancouver

655 Burrard Street, Vancouver V6C 2R7, BC, Canada

NAIT Fam Tour

May 25-26, 2022, Toronto

11763 106 St, Edmonton, AB T5G 2R1, Canada


ICEF Toronto 2022

May 13-16, 2022, Toronto

1 Harbour Square, Toronto, ON M5J 1A6, Canada


Niagara College Familiarization Tour

May 10-12, 2022, Toronto

100 Niagara College Boulevard Welland, On L3C 0A1


2022 IECA International Education Fair

2022 留學公會 國際留遊學教育展

March 26-27, 2022, Taiwan

Hall 1, 2F, Area H, Taipei World Trade Center


2022年 3月26日(六)~3月27日(日) 12:00~18:00



Study Travel Alphe Thailand and Taipei Online!

February 16, 2022, Taiwan 

Meeting Online!


我們的顧問都是留學/遊學過來人,每1-2年都會回「加」,但我們更希望藉著這個機會,我們從 #加拿大 瞭解第一手的學校情報,幫大家彙整情報,整理出最適合大家的留學計畫!

#ST留遊學權威雜誌 #留學公會 #感謝邀請 #加拿大過來人 #出國是人生大事 #一定要做足功課


2022 IALC 認證加拿大留遊學代辦

February 08, 2022, Taiwan

很榮幸的,我們持續獲得協會、學校推薦,在COVID-19疫情襲擊,我們2022年依然獲得IALC (International Association of Language Centres, 非營利語文中心國際協會)認證,繼續成為2022專辦加拿大的台灣代辦。



IPSEA Virtual Mission Southeast Asia

December 14-15, 2021, Taiwan

This event brought together 16 leading Canadian public school districts/boards from British Columbia, Canada and selected education agencies from Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong to reconnect, strengthen existing partnerships and establish new ones.

Hello Study was invited to this event.


KPU Agent Badge

October 21, 2021, Taiwan

This badge certifies that Hello Study has successfully completed the KPU Agent Guide

Hello Study 獲得KPU Kwantlen Polytechnic University 昆特蘭理工大學 認證標章。


CAPS-I Virtual Mission Taiwan

May 25 – 26, 2021, Taiwan



2021 IALC 認證加拿大留遊學代辦

May 13, 2021, Taiwan

很榮幸的,我們獲得協會、學校推薦,在2021年我們獲得IALC (International Association of Language Centres, 非營利語文中心國際協會)的認證下,持續成為2020專辦加拿大的台灣代辦。



ICEF Virtual Americas 2021

May 11 – 13, 2021, Taipei, Taiwan



2020 Hello Study October Gathering Taipei

2020 Hello Study OCTOBER學員聚會 台北

October 31, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan

For students who should be in Canada or returned from Canada, studying in online class or waiting for entering could be long but we’ve got your back!

Therefore we hold a gathering for students in Taiwan. Meet someone who goes to the same city or the same school and have fun. If things go well, we will keep doing it until students get tired.




ICEF North America – Virtual Toronto 2020

August 25 – 27, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan


2020 Updates on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Canada

2020 加拿大 COVID-19 新冠肺炎 武漢肺炎 防疫專區

February 3, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted every one in the world. Hello Study is an active COVID-19 team that has been managing the situation since February and we are working to ensure the information is always updated. The team includes members from both Taiwan and Canada made up of students, coworkers, friends and former employees. We would like to share our gratitude with those who are making a difference in the fight against COVID-19.


🏫各級學校措施 📜對簽證的影響
👔對工作的影響 🎒對課程的影響
😷休假返台注意事項 😷入境加拿大程序


2019 Hello Study December Gathering Toronto

2019 Hello Study DECEMBER學員聚會 多倫多

December 14, 2019, Toronto, Canada



2019 加拿大官方教育展

October 26, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan



2020 IALC 唯一認證加拿大留遊學代辦

October 24, 2020, Taiwan

很榮幸的,我們獲得協會、學校推薦,在2020年我們獲得IALC (International Association of Language Centres, 非營利語文中心國際協會)的認證下,持續成為2020專辦加拿大的台灣代辦(台灣唯一上榜的代辦。)



2019 Hello Study October Gathering Vancouver

2019 Hello Study OCTOBER學員聚會 溫哥華

October 18, 2019, Vancouver, Canada

More people more fun. 這次新抵達的同學跟當地的同學一起開心聚會。


Authorised IELTS Registration Agent of the British Council

Hello Study 楓禾留學為雅思官方授權報名中心

September 25, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 為中華民國註冊之留遊學代辦公司
  • 為英國文化協會簽約合作代辦
  • 負責台灣地區雅思報名業務

HelloStudy 官方授權 IELTS 官方考試中心 報名專區


Authorised ETS Registration Agent

Hello Study 楓禾留學為多益官方授權報名中心

September 10, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan

Hello Study has become the ETS registration Agent officially. Students can register the TOEFL ITP, TOEIC, and TOEFL Junior exams through Hello Study.

HelloStudy 官方授權 TOEFL ITP & TOEIC 報名專區


2019 Study Abroad Standard Agency Contract Service Check Workshop by Ministry of Education


September 4, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan

Hello Study uses the standard agency contract approved by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan to ensure fairness and transparency.

Hello Study 楓禾留遊學保障學生權益,每年參加查核業務講習會,積極參與政府舉辦之各類活動,以通過教育部審核標準之留學定型化契約提供給學生。


ICEF North America – Vancouver 2019

April 24-26, 2019, Vancouver, Canada

655 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6C 2R7, Canada


2019 IALC唯一認證加拿大留遊學代辦

April 16, 2019, Taiwan

很榮幸的,我們獲得協會、學校推薦,在2019年我們獲得IALC (International Association of Language Centres, 非營利語文中心國際協會)的認證下,成為2019專辦加拿大的台灣代辦(台灣唯一上榜的代辦。)



2019 IECA 春季國際留遊學教育展

March 16-17, 2019, Taiwan

Hall 1, 2F, Area H, Taipei World Trade Center




2019年 3月16日(六)~3月17日(日) 12:00~18:00



2018 加拿大官方教育展

October, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan



Hello Canada Education and Career Fair Online (Hello Canada 線上加拿大留遊學就業展)

October, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan

9th F., No. 176, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106, Taiwan




ICEF North America – Toronto 2018

April 26-28, 2018, Canada

1 Harbour Square, Toronto, ON M5J 1A6, Canada



2018 IECA國際留遊學教育展

March 17-18, 2018, Taiwan

Hall 1, 2F, Area H, Taipei World Trade Center



Hello Canada Education and Career Fair (Hello Canada 加拿大留遊學就業展)

February 24, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan

9th F., No. 176, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106, Taiwan

2018Hello Canada留遊學就業展



Hello Canada Education Fair (Hello Canada 加拿大留遊學教育及海外就業展)

October 14, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan

9th F., No. 176, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106, Taiwan




ICEF North America – Vancouver 2017

April 23-25, 2017, Canada

655 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6C 2R7, Canada

HeloStudy at ICEF Vancouver, BC


2017 IECA國際留遊學教育展

March 18-19, 2017, Taiwan

Hall 1, 2F, Area H, Taipei World Trade Center


留學公會 2017國際留遊學教育展


夢想體驗留遊學生活,卻不知該如何著手規劃嗎?來一趟2017 國際留遊學教育展,讓你輕鬆留學去!!
2017 國際留遊學教育展由全國唯一非營利留遊學公會–中華民國留學服務商業同業公會舉辦,集合眾多合法專業留遊學中心聯合展覽,提供最新、最詳實的留遊學資訊與免費諮詢,邀請到國外學校及官方辦事處,針對留學、遊學、打工度假、VISA等各種主題舉辦說明會。誠摯邀請您與我們一起留學去。

3/18~19 (六,日) 12:00~6:00pm │世貿一館2樓展區





-會場佈置 Booth Decorating Timelapse

春季留學展 楓禾講座花絮-打工遊學:進修的小資首選 加拿大

打造學員專屬課程 Helping Choose Your Very Own Program


「Dream Big 加拿大年度壯遊」逢甲大學

March 9, 2017,  Feng Chia University, Taiwan

No. 100 Wenhwa Rd., Seatwen, Taichung, Taiwan 40724, R.O.C.



Study Travel Alphe Conference Taipei

February 18, 2017, Taiwan

Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei 香格里拉台北遠東國際大飯店


我們的顧問都是留學/遊學過來人,每1-2年都會回「加」,但我們更希望藉著這個機會,我們從#美國 #加拿大 #英國 #愛爾蘭 瞭解第一手的學校情報,幫大家彙整情報,整理出最適合大家的留學計畫!

#ST留遊學權威雜誌 #留學公會 #感謝邀請 #加拿大過來人 #出國是人生大事 #一定要做足功課

