ALH ANNE’S Language House 語言學校-卡加利

Jul 02, 2024

Who is ANNE?

ALH語言學校是以加拿大最有名的小說Anne of Green Gables為名。

Anne of Green Gables是一本1908年的小說,作者是加拿大籍的 Lucy Maud Montgomery。內容是關於Anne Shirley,一位11歲加拿大女孩的冒險故事。小說講述了Anne與卡斯柏特一家(the Cuthbert family)的生活,她的校園與小鎮生活經驗。 小說出版以來,已經賣出超過5千萬本,譯本多達20國語言。小女孩的故事啟發了世界各地無數人。


🇨🇦卡加利介紹 – 世界上最乾淨的城市 Calgary

727 7th Avenue S.W., Suite 1520, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0W5  (15th floor of Elveden Centre Guinness House)


ANNE’S Language House是一間小型學校,環境友善,氛圍接納大家

  • 每一位同學皆能受到教職員的關心照顧

  • 課程中擁有大量使用英文的機會

  • 除了要求學生設定自我學習目標,學校更會協助同學達成目的  

  • 整合型課綱,提高學生學習興趣,加強學習動機

  • 個人學習評估,自我監督學習進度,量化學習進展與成就感


  • 3間教室

  • 每班學生平均6人

  • 每間教室最大容納學生人數為10人。暑期為12人

  • 廚房、冰箱、微波盧、熱水壺、水、電腦、 wifi網路

  • 所有老師除了皆有大學學位,也接受過英文教學師資培訓及英文教學經驗

  • 大樓一樓有便利商店。18歲以上學生可免費使用大樓健身房

ALH 課程課表

星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五
0900 1030 BLOCK 1 (45分鐘/堂)
1040 1125 BLOCK 2 (45分鐘/堂)
1135 1220 BLOCK 3 (45分鐘/堂)
1220-1300 午餐
1300 1355 BLOCK 4 (55分鐘/堂)
1405 1500 BLOCK 5 (55分鐘/堂)

ALH 分級制度 Level Chart

GE 5 60-90 6.0-6.5
GE 4 35-59 5.0-5.5
GE 3 -34 4.0-4.5
GE 2 3.0-3.5
GE 1

一般英文 General English


總共等級: 5 級

每個等級長度:10 週-12週 (5-6 weeks x 2 modules)

每週堂數:20 堂 (GE20) 、 25 堂 (GE25,下午課程著重口說及溝通)

  • All-around ability in English at any entry levels

  • Weekly oral presentation to improve speaking skills and gain confidence.

  • Review tests to assess student’s progress and identify student’s strength and weakness.

  • Speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, naturally including grammar and vocabulary.

  • Main Textbook is an integrated skills series that gets students talking – in class, and everywhere.


GE1 – GE2
• Focusing on the foundation of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation for confident speaking.
• Introduction of reading, writing and listening skills.
• Practical English to understand high-frequency phrases and to know what to say in typical situations.

• Fresh challenges to help them realize how much they know and make their passive knowledge active.
• Reviewing fundamental vocabulary and grammar and putting new vocabulary and grammar into practice.
• Practical English to get used to listening to faster, more colloquial speech.
• Improving reading skills with a wide variety of authentic text types and writing skills with guided writing tasks.

GE4 – GE5
• Using more sophisticated grammar structures with fluency and developing awareness of different grammatical
structures in order to use them appropriately.
• Focusing on advanced vocabulary to enable them to use the appropriate word or phrase according to the context or
• Reading skills with a wide variety of totally authentic texts in more professional and academic contents.
• Regular practice in planning, organizing, writing and checking to write quickly and accurately for more professional
and academic purposes.

銜接學院課程 College Pathway 



• Learning English at a post-secondary classes.
• Focuses on acquiring the advanced competencies in academic English.
• Academic vocabulary usage, comprehending academic lectures, research skills, formal composition forms and development, including research papers.

SAIT南亞伯達理工學院銜接課程 SAIT Pathway Program

👉 SAIT 南亞伯達理工學院介紹


* Pathway 課程 (GE5):每週30堂課,共10週

ALH等級 結業成績需求 SAIT門檻
GE4 80% English 20-1 65%
GE5 75% English 30-1 65%

2024 七月課外活動行事曆

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