Greystone College 商業溝通Co-op實習文憑

Mar 23, 2024

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Greystone 專屬優惠👆


◎ 奠定基礎商業知識,為進入國際商業職場做好準備

◎ 聘請具多年業界經驗及持有教師證照的專業師資

◎ 提升商業溝通、團隊合作、優先順序選擇及問題解決等實際技能

◎ 在履歷表上添加一項加拿大工作經驗




Diploma in Business Communications Co-op

6個月課程+6個月有薪實習 (48週白天課/密集)

12個月課程+10個月有薪實習 (88週下午/夜間課程)


Diploma in Business Communications

6個月課程 (26週白天課/密集)

12個月課程 (48週下午/夜間課程)

* 開課日請點此:每種時段並非每個校區/開課日都有開,歡迎與顧問確認





職場溝通 Communication for The Workplace
In this course students will learn the key principles of business communication, becoming aware of different means of communication and building effective strategies for collecting and presenting information.

*This course will be supported by a variety of technologies; a tablet, an online textbook, and Greystone College’s learning management system.  

專業商業文件 Professional Business Documents
In this course students will learn to adapt the style and layout of documents to their intended audience, while respecting the organization’s policies regarding document integrity.

*This course will be supported by a variety of technologies; a tablet, an online textbook, and Greystone College’s learning management system. 

多元職場的專業度 Professionalism in a Diverse Workplace
In this course students will learn best approaches to establishing effective workplace relationships valuing diversity and respecting protocols.

*This course will be supported by a variety of technologies; a tablet, an online textbook, and Greystone College’s learning management system. 

顧客關係管理 Customer Relationship Management
This course deals with the importance of customer expectations and how CRM influences customer experiences. It identifies how customers’ experience and perception of an organization can be beneficial or detrimental to its success. In this course of study students will gain objective knowledge about what positively and negatively affects customers’ experience.

精實商業團隊管理 Business Excellence in Team Management
This course teaches effective approaches to team management and communication within a team. Students will look objectively at the benefits and value of teamwork and learn about the importance and prominence of teamwork in the professional workplace. In this course, students will learn ways to support organizational goals through team projects and performance management.

*This course will be supported by a variety of technologies; a tablet, an online textbook, and Greystone College’s learning management system. 

個人發展:策略與技巧 Personal Development: Strategies and Techniques
In this course students will learn strategies and techniques to establish and implement a personal professional development plan to strive for efficiency and effectiveness in business. Students will
reflect on their personal Self-Awareness through assessing their values, strengths and weaknesses as well as their vision in life. This will also help students set meaningful life and career goals, align with their goals more effectively and understand oneself in relation to others.

*This course will be supported by a variety of technologies; a tablet, an online textbook, and Greystone College’s learning management system. 


工作安置技巧 Work Placement Skills
In this course, students will prepare for the Canadian workplace. This course is very useful to students registered in a co-op program. It rapidly prepares students to apply for jobs and ensures
their résumés and cover letters are to the business standard. Additionally, it helps students through the process of applying for a tax file number (SIN).

實習工作體驗 Co-op Work Experience
During the co-op work placement, students will put their skills into practise in a local workplace in a position related to their specific program objectives. Students will be required to complete job tasks as assigned to them by the employer. In addition, students are required to provide regular feedback (monthly, mid-term and final) on their work experience to Greystone College using prescribed reporting forms.

未來規劃 The Next Step
This course follows up with students after their work experience term. It provides the student with a new perspective of their goals and achievements and prepares them to take the next step when they leave the program.









◎ 申請人必須完成一般的學校教育12年級學業(高中畢業),或持有大專院校認可的文憑或學位。

◎ 英文門檻: ILSC I2以上程度 、 iBT 45 或 IELTS 4.5

◎ 學生須達到入學條件的要求





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