
Mar 23, 2024


BMC 專屬優惠👆

國際時尚行銷學程 International Fashion Marketing Program


Term I
Fashion Marketing 時尚行銷
Visual Merchandising & Store Concepts 視覺銷售與商店概念
Current Fashion Designers (Fashion Awareness II) 活躍的時尚設計師
Fashion Elements & Vocabulary 流行元素與字彙
Art & Technology 藝術與科技
Classes are held in one of the College’s Apple Macintosh computer labs.
Term II
Fashion Styling 流行風格
Social Media Marketing 社群媒體行銷
Fashion Buying 流行採購
Fashion Promotions & Public Relations 流行推銷與公關
Professional Practices 職業實作


You can expect to receive a curriculum and educational experience that balances an effective academic environment with high industry exposure, practical hands on experience, relevant industry guest speakers, valuable internship opportunities, small class sizes and a caring, supportive environment that is filled with creativity, fun and a rewarding sense of personal achievement.

      • ♦Enjoy the opportunity to greatly improve your written and verbal English language skills within a friendly and multiculture environment.
      • ♦Learn specialized vocabulary and terminology related to the industry. Be able to converse knowledgeably and confidently with others in the world of Fashion.
      • ♦Coordinate a Fashion photo shoot, choosing the clothing and accessories that will create a visually compelling image that meets the industry’s criteria.
      • ♦Study and critique Fashion editorials to better understand techniques, processes and aesthetic elements relating to brand statements, artistic direction, fashion standards and graphic layouts and design.
      • ♦Develop your social media skills in relation to business and branding. Learn how to create an integrated social media strategy that has a unified voice and vision.
      • ♦Participate in valuable Fashion Internships that will boost your self confidence, help you develop essential working skills and experience, and build your industry network.
      • ♦Acquire essential skills and experience with Photoshop and Illustrator, learn about graphic layout elements and develop a graduate project with your own E-portfolio.
      • ♦Become integrated in North American culture: at the College, we have the privilege of learning about our International students, their personal stories and their respective cultural heritage. In turn, we have the opportunity to help our students refine their English language skills and to gain valuable insight, experience and confidence with North American business protocols and procedures, cultural traditions and general etiquette.


Specifically designed for International students, this dynamic six month program provides a solid overview of the fashion industry and builds upon essential business, communications, creative concepts and fashion marketing knowledge. You will understand how to apply your fashion education as a relevant and rewarding career in the global marketplace.

Graduates of the program will be prepared to establish entry level careers in the fashion industry as:

Fashion Merchandisers

Fashion Stylists

Fashion Promoters

Fashion Publicists

Public Relation Coordinators

Store Managers

Retail Buyers

Social Media Coordinators

Social Media Marketers

Special Event Coordinators

Visual Merchandiser



  • ♦19歲以上
  • ♦高中畢業或有高中畢業同等學力的資格
  • ♦Blanche Macdonald Centre 英語能力測驗合格


  • 全球藝術彩妝學程:BMC Test 21+/30, IELTS雅思 5.5以上, TOEFL iBT 55以上
  • 國際彩妝工作室學程:BMC Test 15+/30, IELTS雅思 4.5以上, TOEFL iBT 40以上
  • 自由接案藝術彩妝學程:
  • 時尚服飾設計學程:BMC Test 21+/30, IELTS雅思 5.5以上, TOEFL iBT 55以上
  • 全球時尚行銷學程:BMC Test 24+/30, IELTS 雅思 6以上, TOEFL iBT 65以上
  • 國際時尚行銷學程:BMC Test 24+/30, IELTS雅思 6以上, TOEFL iBT 65以上
  • 職人髮型學程:BMC Test 21+/30, IELTS 雅思 5.5以上, TOEFL iBT 55以上
  • 職人美學芳療學程:BMC Test 21+/30, IELTS 雅思 5.5以上, TOEFL iBT 55以上
  • 美甲工作室學程:BMC Test 21+/30, IELTS 雅思 5.5以上, TOEFL iBT 55以上

