Greystone College 前端開發文憑課程

May 25, 2024


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前端開發文憑 Co-op

Diploma in Front End Development Co-op

38 週課程+30 週有薪實習 *此為夜間課程

前端開發文憑 – 無實習

Diploma in Front End Development Academic 

38 週課程 *此為夜間課程

Explore the most up-to-date methodologies, knowledge, and tools in the web development field and build in-demand skills that can get you hired upon graduation. In this program, you’ll develop knowledge of software development frameworks and tools like Angular, and programming languages including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Establish your skills in problem-solving, coding, and teamwork, through hands-on exercises and a final project.

A Diploma in Front-End Development can open flexible career opportunities in a variety of industries.


  • Fast-track your way into a Front End Developer role with high earning potential in this hands-on, job-ready training program.
  • Learn comprehensive front end development skills and technologies in the academic part of the program
  • Choose a Co-op to build your Canadian experience and career networks for an extra edge on getting hired upon graduation
  • Get customized career search and Co-op placement support from our Co-op Advising Team who have strong links to industry partner organizations
  • Develop comprehensive knowledge of leading-edge development frameworks, tools, and languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Angular
  • Learn from tech industry experts with recent experience in Front End or Full Stack Development roles.
  • Program curriculum developed by our partner Wawiwa, an experienced tech program development company with global expertise.
  • 不需任何相關經驗!


Front End Basics – HTML, CSS & Introduction to Programming

Learn how to build and design webpages using HTML and CSS the two core technologies for building web pages. You’ll also get an intro to JavaScript, rounding out the basic knowledge that will help you to identify, analyze, design, and maintain web pages.

Front End Basics – JavaScript

Learn how to write scripts in the JavaScript programming language to create dynamic, interactive front-side web products and faster user experiences.

Front End Basics – Angular Basics

Develop the skills and knowledge required to build advanced webpages and web products using Angular, an open-source front-end framework.

Front End Basics – Angular React

Learn to build advanced web pages and web products using open-source, front-end frameworks. You’ll also explore UI/UX to learn how to build easy to use websites with end users front of mind. This course involves teamwork and a presentation in front of peers and managers.

Workplace Skills & Tools

Learn the fundamental skills necessary for the Canadian workplace. They will learn topics such as oral and written communication, computer skills, workplace preparation. The course will also cover the necessary skills needed for academic study in their program.


◎ 申請人必須完成一般的學校教育12年級學業(高中畢業),或持有大專院校認可的文憑或學位。

◎ 英文門檻: ILSC I3以上程度 、 iBT 46 或 IELTS 5.5

◎ 學生須達到入學條件的要求


  • 網站工程師

平均年薪約 $62,400 CAD





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