漢博學院 – 研究生證書課程(Post Graduate Certificate) 接受無相關背景科系申請列表

Mar 11, 2021

2-year Diploma=
3-year Advanced Diploma= 
Conditional Offer= 截止至 2020 年10 月29 日



名稱 科系要求
研究生證書 (1-2 年制)
巧克力與糖果藝術 Advanced Chocolate and confectionery Artistry A bachelor’s degree or advanced diploma in baking and pastry arts management, culinary
management or apprentice cook program.
廣告 – 顧客管理 Advertising – Account Management  A bachelor’s degree or advanced diploma
廣告 – 美術指導 Advertising – Art Direction A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma or equivalent
Advertising Copywriting
廣告 – 文案創作 Advertising Copywriting A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
非訴訟糾紛解決方案 Alternative Dispute Resolution A bachelor’s degree, or a diploma in paralegal or law clerk studies
美術行政和文化管理 Arts Administration and Cultural Management  A bachelor’s degree or advanced diploma, preferably in arts, humanities, fine arts or performing arts
商業觀察與分析 Business Insights and Analytics A bachelor’s degree from any discipline, or an advanced diploma or diploma in a related field
(business, statistics/mathematics, or computer programming)
雲端運算 Cloud Computing A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma, diploma or equivalent, in Information Technology
內容策畫 Content Strategy A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
創意圖書出版 Creative Book Publishing A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
企業管理,商業管理Entrepreneurial Enterprise, Business Management A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
電影和跨平台說故事 Film and Multiplatform Storytelling A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
鑑識鑑定 Forensic Identification A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
募資管理 Fundraising Management A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
親子關係實踐 – 兒童與家庭 Inclusive Resource Practice – Child and Family  An Early Childhood Education (ECE) diploma or degree;
Or a diploma or degree in a related discipline such as psychology or family sociology.
Minimum grade point average of 70 per cent required. Course work in child development and
special needs is an asset.
保險 – 財險和意外險 Insurance Management – Property and Casualty A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
新聞學(研究生證書) Journalism (Graduate Certificate) A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
音樂營運管理 Music Business A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
音樂創作 Music Composition A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
律師助理 Paralegal A bachelor’s degree, or an advanced diploma or diploma in Business, Social Sciences or a related
後期制作 Post-Production A bachelor’s degree, diploma or advanced diploma
公共關係 Public Relations A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
廣播與媒體製作 Radio and Media Production A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
運動商業管理 Sport Business Management A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma. This program is best suited for students who
have completed a bachelor’s degree in the following areas: Kinesiology, Commerce, Social Science,
Communications or a related field.
醫療系統導航 Systems Navigator A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma in health, or social and community service, or
other health-related or human services field.
影視創作與製作 Television Writing and Producing A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
使用者體驗設計(UX) User Experience Design  A bachelor’s degree or advanced diploma
網頁開發 Web Development A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma
無線通訊 Wireless Telecommunications A bachelor’s degree, advanced diploma or diploma in Physics, Mathematics, Electrical or Computer
Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, or an Engineering-related field